اقوم قيلا

اقوم قيلا للكاتب سلطان موسى السلطان مؤلف من 233 صفحة مجزئة ل11 فصلا
غلاف الكتاب اتى بلون رمادي توسطته لوحة لاشخاص يصلون يتاملون, ليضح الكاتب مقولة "اقرا بعقلك ايضا..فهذا القرأن و الانسان" 
تطرق الكاتب عبر صفحات كتابه لمناقشة العديد من الفضايا الدينية و مقارنتها مع الاديان الاخرى, لا انكر اجتهاد الكاتب في الاجابة عن كم هائل من الاسئلة التي طالما راودتني في حياتي حول الاديان الا انني تعرضت في بعض من الصفحات للتناقض مع ما قراته لعلماء و باحثين اكثر في الدين و الفيزياء مما ال بيني و بين اعطائي خمس نجوم للكتاب, حفزني الكتاب على التعرف اكثر على الاديان الاخرى و قراءة كتبهم المقدسة مما يعتبر نقطة ايجابية لهذا الكتاب

Get naked in brain

There's a great anecdote about the very first concept taken of life, this concept and understanding occasioned a profound shift in ou understanding of ourselves.
we all leave in that single celestial body teeming with life, the womb in which we dwell.
Since the birth of this Earth, mankind Excel in misrepresenting the big picture, into a story of borders, subdivisions, and devising lines, the lines that from the vantage point of space, they never existed. too much hostility and not enough empathy. it ill conceive to address the challenge of a hyper-connected global world.
            Don't yo worry, Conflicts remain.

So, we need a new lens to address this inconsistencies, to scale up, exchanging ideas, beliefs, goods, extending our gaze.
    how come ?
so we all experience that feeling when you're really  connecting with somebody, you meet new person, they're really exciting and you find yourself hypnotized by their presence you find them bewitching and as you start to converse, as you start to share stories, you find that you come into this synchronized, you feel you're connected, like meshing, you feel like you're in the same vibe.

This is what we should look for when we connect with anybody, we should be like "Hey, you wanna brain couple with me ? you want  to sit and talk and get naked in brain  and couple brains together ?" because this is what I'm looking for, skip the small stock, skip the small talk, and go straight to that like intersubjective rapture.

Arduino tutorial 01 : Purpose, Audience, Prerequisites, Architecture of this tutorial

hello and welcome to the new series of tutorials about Arduino


إلى الموجود بالاسم دون الذات

Drawing a landscape

I have demonstrated this peace last Saturday, hope you like it 

The single woman: life, love, and a dash os sass

a self-développement book by Mandy Hale in which she spoke about tips women should take in order to let go and move on after a bad relationship, she gave a bunch of  advice and direct talk to Women about being empowered and wise in case they were single,
 I didn't like the book that much and the time I spent on reading can tell a lot about it, so this left me giving it 3 stars.
I appreciate the author's efforts to prove herself after the breakdown and breaking up with her MR.RIGHT but I felt petty and pathetic rather than power in order to overcome and live as a single woman, she was trying to help many women while-in my opinion- she is the one who needs help since she is sinking in Denial.
this book may help so many women around the world but it wasn't just meant for me, but if you want I would come to you with some Pizza and paper towels..crying may help u honey