The single woman: life, love, and a dash os sass

8:59:00 PM cc 3 Comments

a self-développement book by Mandy Hale in which she spoke about tips women should take in order to let go and move on after a bad relationship, she gave a bunch of  advice and direct talk to Women about being empowered and wise in case they were single,
 I didn't like the book that much and the time I spent on reading can tell a lot about it, so this left me giving it 3 stars.
I appreciate the author's efforts to prove herself after the breakdown and breaking up with her MR.RIGHT but I felt petty and pathetic rather than power in order to overcome and live as a single woman, she was trying to help many women while-in my opinion- she is the one who needs help since she is sinking in Denial.
this book may help so many women around the world but it wasn't just meant for me, but if you want I would come to you with some Pizza and paper towels..crying may help u honey

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