ليتني امرأة عادية

ليتني امرأة عادية
                        هنوف الجاسر

I'm usually not a big fan of Arabic books, for the fact that they all speak pessimist, I wanted to take the risk and read this book, but unfortunately, it was just another peace of work where the character was the figure of sadness with such a hopeless life, I don't denial the fact that we all live sadness, but it is just not the way we must deal with, the character was a paradox, n I can't find any thing SPECIAL about her as the title claims....u r just as normal as any other girl, actually a miserable, if I had a friend like that girl in the book, I would have recommended a psy for her , she can't just put her crap like this on other people's life.



it took me forever to finish this book, n to be honest, even my younger sister can make more suspense that this, so disappointing, I can't see where the author dealt with the autism, I thought he would see the world through his eyes but Voila another pessimistic author with such an old fashioned story.

وتنام لتراه

وتنام لتراه

same old boring love stories, full of pessimist characters....DUh

A Holiday to Remember

A Holiday to Remember

a holiday to remember, a story pivoted on 3 characters n a Dog, Candy and Mitch whom somehow unexpectedly met in an unexpected place....I couldn't find any thing interested in that story since it all happened in couple of days n the next thing is "I can't live without you honey" I mean......

then u may wonder y I gave it 4 stars, as a non-native English speaker, I have found that the words that has been used in this book was great that I bookmarked n jotted down so many sentences n words...

Sentence of Marriage (Promises to Keep #1)

Sentence of Marriage 

Sentence of Marriage, a book pivoted about a farm girl called Amy, she has shown such an early sense of responsibility to take care of a house full of man after her mother and grandmother's death, I have got engaged to this beautiful peace of art from the first chapters which is a good proof that the author succeeded in bringing u to live with the characters in such a smooth way, so I got mad when she has been abused, I felt pain when she gave birth, frustration at her naivete and vulnerability. Amy is such a good character, and I'm looking forward to read the rest two books


                                    للكاتبة أثير عبدالله النشمي

لقد كنت دائمة الاعتقاد أنه لا يوجد شيئ يمكن أن نندم عليه في هذه الحياة, و لكن ليس بعد قرائتي لهذا الكتاب الذي جل ما يمكن القول عنه أنة أضحوكة لشخص لطفل غبي مدلل لايعرف للرجولة طعما, كيف لشخص أن يرغب من العالم أن يتمحور عليه ؟ كيف له أن يجزم على حب الله له و هو يخاف من رعشة تصيبه فيخاف أن يموت جرائها ؟ كيف له أن يعاقب جمانة على فكرة لم تخطر على بالها اصلا ة انما كانت في رأسه ليقيني أن ليس له عقلا ؟ كيف له أن يعاقبها بمشاهدة الصور الاباحية أو بالكذب ؟ مسكين ايها العزيز فأنت مختل عقليا و قد اصبت جمانة بعدوة الحمق ...... اشمئزاز

I can fly

I lay my back on the chair, my head spinning, I was too confused with the children’s screaming, too excited, my foot were touching the floor, after a while, they weren't, not any more, I’m getting higher and higher, surprised by myself feeling the peaceful I wouldn't yearned for, I was looking for pulses to be heard in my ears, for Adrenalin to be kicked in my veins, I closed my eyes, trying to make sense of it, only to be swallowed up by the consciousness so swiftly claiming my new wings.