ليتني امرأة عادية

10:27:00 PM cc 1 Comments

ليتني امرأة عادية
                        هنوف الجاسر

I'm usually not a big fan of Arabic books, for the fact that they all speak pessimist, I wanted to take the risk and read this book, but unfortunately, it was just another peace of work where the character was the figure of sadness with such a hopeless life, I don't denial the fact that we all live sadness, but it is just not the way we must deal with, the character was a paradox, n I can't find any thing SPECIAL about her as the title claims....u r just as normal as any other girl, actually a miserable, if I had a friend like that girl in the book, I would have recommended a psy for her , she can't just put her crap like this on other people's life.

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1 comment:

  1. نفس تعليقي على الرواية، الذي لم اوضحه جيدا في تدوينتي هذه https://bbouth.blogspot.com/2018/05/womenreview.html
