Why do we read ?

10:57:00 PM cc 2 Comments

Wrinting or at least good writing is an outgrowth of that urge to use language to communicate complex ideas and experiences between people.and that is true whether you're reading shakespeare or bad vimpare fiction, reading is always an act of empathy. It's always an imagining of what it's like to be someone

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  1. Writing can also be to hide one's true identity and present oneself as he/she wanted to be in real life. While reading we are never sure whose behind the mask of writing.

  2. first of all, I would like to tell that I'm so very pleased by your comment and I'mhappy that you visited my blog, then, Iwould like to share with u some more ideas about what I have posted and I hope that I will convince you somehow, and to start with, if you watched the series about world history, you would no doubt remember that writing(and the ability to read it) are so-called markers of civilization.Now, that's really problematic idea, I mean, for one thing, great stories can have great lives in the oral tradition, But we privilege reading and writing because they allow us to communicate directly and transparently with people who live very far away from us, and they also allow us the kind of hear the voices of the dead, I don't want to get all liberall arts-y on you, but I want to make this clear; for me, stories are about communication.
    another thing I want to point out is that the question of whether the author is fake or lying is not a very interesting question, so the authors don't really matter, I'm not willing to go as far as the postmodernist and say that the author is dead becuz that would make me very nervous, however, the author is not that important.
    whether an author intended a symbolic resonance to exist in her book is irrelevant. All that matters in whether it's there because the book doesn't exist for the benefit of the author. The book exists for the benefit of YOU. if we, as readers, could have a bigger and richer experience with the world as a result of reading a symbol and that symbol wasn't intended by the author, we still win. Yes inevitably, reading is a conversation between the author and the reader. but give yourself some power in that conversation. Go out there and make a world.
