
    The most hard  part of Writing is the begining and once u begin u will find yourself in a place u never thought u would be in, it is the place where u ment to be, but I guess if I stayed on this situation I'm not gonna go so far from the begining,  my laptop is gonna turn off soon, cuz of the battery, I will connect the charger and come back..... I'm back, hhhhh thankx for welcomming me back,
Seriously , I wanna talk about happines, people spend thouseands of hours to give the hapinness a definition and till now no one from them has really set a universal one  for it, oooooh hold on a sec, r u expecting me to give u a definition ? well don't plz, I'm just gonna tell u about what makes me happy, I know u would propbably don't care but I will say it, wether u did or not :p, huh who is the boss now ? any way, kidding aside, no I'm taking back what I have just said, kidding stay or I go, good, look this is my point, which I finaly have one, that kidding, having fun, laughting is the happiness itself, there are a saying that stats as follow :"7 days without laughting makes one weak"so seek out funny people, they are like a brush that sweeps all the cobwebs from our hearts, I have a lot of that Kind of people in my life and to be honest,I like to copy and past them every where, so all the people will be happy just like I do,

What m I gonna do ?

I'm tired calculating the if else statments
I keep wondering about where all that is gonna leave me but I believe it called impasse

Pedro Pedro Pedro

Pedro is my classmate, we do study English together,  however our first meeting was weird,yeah it was so weird, and I mean it, well it is not my fault that he looked like......I don't know but still,  we became good friends, he is a great person, he is good in making me laugh and inventing a new English words, SO I hope that we will remain good friend, so I ask Allah the best from that friendship, to learn from each other, that doesn't including Loubiation 3adasation and Homsation of course.

Who said that complaning isn't fun ? huhuh don't look at me

hey mem,
some people I know, actualy alot keep complaning about not having jobs, and for the whom who have job complaine about not having a good salery, and for the whom who have a good salery will try somehow to find a reason to keep complaning about their lives, and u know what, this is so normal, knowing me those people make me........kind of aware about what I'm gonna face in the furtur, that's makes the funny parts fannier and the scary parts scarier, and which comes in handy,:), and makes me super excited about the idea of gratuating, having a job, and lot of things......yey