Clip the wings of “I”
PS: this is not my own article, it owns to Anand Prakash Anand and I came across to it while I was goggling... so happy reading
We always use the alphabet ‘I’ for self in capital form purely due to our ego. For the same reason we never use ‘i’ even in between the sentence. While addressing the gathering we stand erect as ‘I’and use ‘I’many times just to demonstrate our importance and eulogize our fineries due to ego. During young blooming age we walk in strutting posture but later on due to dwindling old age bend ourselves. Similarly we should understand the meaning of ‘I’ and ‘i’. When we write ‘I’ we first draw like a stick or vertical bar ‘1’ and then to make it glorious add a crown at its top like ‘T’ but still not satisfied add a foundation to its bottom like ‘I’ to make it further strong symbol of ego.
If ‘I’ and ‘i’ adjust, live together in an amicable way and at least smile sometimes, life will become heaven on this earth itself. We should lead our life laughingly and not become a laughing stock. We are short lived and our relations are also short lived, then why to differentiate between high and low like ‘I’ and ‘i’. Inequality is creating animosity amongst people. We should be realistic and not harsh. We should raise the status of lower strata of people. There should be complete transformation. O man time has changed; you also change and come down to reality
If ‘I’ and ‘i’ adjust, live together in an amicable way and at least smile sometimes, life will become heaven on this earth itself. We should lead our life laughingly and not become a laughing stock. We are short lived and our relations are also short lived, then why to differentiate between high and low like ‘I’ and ‘i’. Inequality is creating animosity amongst people. We should be realistic and not harsh. We should raise the status of lower strata of people. There should be complete transformation. O man time has changed; you also change and come down to reality